Pasteur's Early Years

       Louis Pasteur was born on December 27, 1882, in Dole, eastern France. When Louis was still a child, the Pasteur family moved to Arbois, where Pasteur attended the local primary and secondary schools. Pasteur's early interest was art and when he was 16 he considered becoming a full-time artists. His principal however, wisely suggested that Pasteur continue his education.  In 1939, Pasteur went to the Royal College at Besancon. He earned his Bachelor's degree in both art and science. At this point in time, he was not very successful with the subject of chemistry. 
        During his years as a student, Pasteur worked hard but he was never an outstanding student, always satisfactory. However, everything changed when in 1847, he obtained his Doctor of Science. Pasteur started attending many of Jean-Baptiste Dumas' lectures at the Sorbonne and for a while, thought that he himself would become a teacher and ask Dumas for an assistant teaching position. After a short time, Pasteur realized his thoughts were turning away from teaching and turning toward experiments and the quest for new knowledge.