
        In this day and age, we are used to hearing people say that germs cause illnesses. We also know a lot about how to stop the spread of disease. Yet this knowledge is less than 150 years old. Louis Pasteur was a French Chemist who made all of this knowledge possible. Louis Pasteur founded the science of microbiology, also known as the study of living things such as bacteria and viruses which can be seen only with the aid of a microscope. 
        His work made possible many important advances in medicine, public health, and hygiene. All of the work that Louis Pasteur did has a huge impact on each and every one of our daily lives. Pasteur not only created the first vaccine for rabies, but he also greatly reduced the mortality rate from puerperal fever.
         It is said that Louis Pasteur is best know for his invention of a method to stop wine and milk from causing sickness, which later went on to be named pasteurization.  Without the experiments and discoveries of Louis Pasteur, our world would be a very different place.